Poster Guidance

Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Poster Size and Orientation: Prepare your poster in A1 size, which is 594 mm x 841 mm (23.4 in x 33.1 in), in portrait orientation. Make sure your content fits within these dimensions and is clearly visible from a reasonable distance.

Bring Your Own Poster: Remember to bring your printed poster with you to the conference.

Attaching Posters: The conference organisers will provide Velcro for attaching your posters to the poster boards. Ensure your poster has a suitable backing or material that can be easily attached using Velcro.

Poster Setup Time: Posters should be provided to the conference assistants on the registration stand so these can be set up for the poster session. 

Engaging Delegates: Consider ways to actively engage conference delegates with your poster. Utilise digital tools like Padlet or Mentimeter to capture their thoughts, provide access to additional resources, or facilitate interactive discussions. These tools can enhance the overall engagement and interactivity of your poster presentation.

Further Resources: Prepare additional resources or materials that delegates can access, such as handouts, QR codes linked to online content, or supplementary documents. These resources can provide more in-depth information and allow interested delegates to explore your research beyond the scope of the poster itself.

By following these guidelines and incorporating digital tools and interactive elements, you can make your poster presentation more engaging, informative, and memorable for conference delegates.