20-Minute Presentations

To ensure a successful presentation, please follow the guidelines provided below:

Presentation Format:

  • You will have 20 minutes to deliver your presentation.
  • The session chair will provide a 5-minute warning and a 1-minute warning before your time is up.
  • After your presentation, there will be a 5-minute question and answer (Q&A) session.

Presentation Guidance:

  • Focus on highlighting the impact and evaluation of your initiative, project, or research.
  • Keep in mind that the audience consists of an international audience, so emphasize the relevance and significance of your work in a global context.
  • Where necessary explain the context in which you work to ensure delegates understand the background and application of your initiative, project, or research.
  • Prepare your presentation to fit within the allocated 20-minute time frame.
  • Use visual aids, and/or data to engage the audience and convey your message efficiently.

International Audience Considerations:

  • Tailor your presentation to address the interests and needs of an international audience.
  • Clarify any acronyms or specialised terms used, ensuring that the terminology is understandable to attendees from different countries and educational backgrounds.

Technical Requirements:

  • You have two options for sharing your presentation: a) Upload your presentation to a cloud service (such as onedrive or google drive) so that you can download. b) Connect your own laptop to the projector screen using the provided HDMI cable. 
  • Large screens and projectors will be available to display your content effectively.

Assistance and Support:

  • An EAN Conference assistant will be present in the room to provide support and assist with any technical or logistical needs.
  • The conference session chair will introduce you and help keep you on schedule, ensuring a smooth flow of the workshop.

By following these presenter guidelines, you will deliver an impactful and informative presentation that resonates with the international audience at the conference. We appreciate your contribution and wish you success in sharing your work.