Parallel Session 4

Wednesday 12th June, 13:15 - 14:15

4.1- Show and Tell (3508)

Preparation for Higher Education - "developing student peer guidance resources"

Amy Angus, Scottish Wider Access Programme (West), Scotland; Kenny Anderson, Scottish Wider Access Programme, Scotland

The presentation will provide a summary of the development of guidance materials for adult students returning to education as part of access programmes delivered in Scotland. The show and tell will share the methodology of developing online guidance resources and the innovative use of student peer resources.

The Impact on Student Wellbeing from Engagement in University Outreach Programmes

Iain Mitchell, University of Strathclyde, Scotland; Amanda Baldwin, University of Strathclyde, Scotland

This paper will examine the positive impact on student wellbeing and transferable skills development through working as student ambassadors on widening access programmes and engagement with credit-bearing community projects, with specific reference to initiatives run by the University of Strathclyde's Access, Equality and Inclusion Service.

Engaging Minoritised Beneficiaries in Engineering Diversity Development

Olanrewaju Lewis, University of Dundee, Scotland; Deepak Shamvedi, University of Dundee, Scotland

The Engaging Minoritised Beneficiaries in Engineering Diversity Development (EMBEDD) project, funded by the University of Dundee and the Royal Academy of Engineering, addresses disparities in STEM education by inspiring and including Minoritised and Underrepresented Background (MUB) students. Collaborating with Equate-Scotland and AFBE-Scotland, the project engages MUB students in workshops, mentoring, and an Engineering Experience Programme. It embeds inclusivity into curricula, fostering a diverse and inclusive engineering education environment. The project's impact will be measured through various assessments, aligning with the themes of the EAN Conference on equity and student success. EMBEDD is a model commitment to diversity and inclusion in engineering education.

4.2- Presentation (3511)

The ComMUniversity: A Partnership approach to Higher Education in the community.

Derek Barter, Maynooth University, Ireland

The ComMUniversity is a three-way partnership between Maynooth University (MU); community development organisations and  Public Libraries. The objective is to engage people from the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) Target Groups in a university level course in a secure and familiar environment in their neighbourhood for personal development and capacity building at a community level

What Shapes Parental Expectations of Children’s Future Higher Education Participation in Australia: Evidence and Challenges for Policy and Practice.

Ian Li, Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success, Australia; Paul Koshy, Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success, Australia

Parents’ expectations of their children’s higher education participation are critical in determining post-compulsory education outcomes. This presentation outlines evidence from Australia on the factors that shape parental expectations, the influence these have on participation, and the implications this has for policy and practice, both in Australia and other jurisdictions.

4.3- Presentation (3510)

A Cultural Exchange Program: University of Kansas and Stellenbosch University

Ngondi Kamatuka, University of Kansas, USA; Meghan Ecker-Lyster, University of Kansas, USA; Elza Lourens, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Our presentation examines a cultural exchange between the University of Kansas and Stellenbosch University, exploring the effects on global perspectives and cultural identifies. Evaluation findings suggest deeper impacts for University of Kansas students (travelled abroad). However, benefits were also noted for Stellenbosch students. Join us to uncover the multifaceted impact of international experiences on students’ learning and personal growth.

New European Higher Education Area Framework for the Social Dimension

Ninoslav Scukanec Schmidt, Institute for the Development of Education/Bologna Follow-up Working Group on Social Dimension

The 2024 European Higher Education Area (EHEA) framework includes principles, guidelines, indicators, and descriptors for the social dimension, adopted by 49 member states. The session will explain how it empowers EHEA public authorities and higher education institutions to create system-wide and institutional policies, fostering equity and inclusion in higher education.

4.4- Presentation (2522)

Confidence and Academic Preparedness: students’ experiences transitioning into undergraduate study.

Felicity Cawley, University of Glasgow, Scotland

Focusing on Access to Higher Education students’ own experiences, this paper explores students’ articulations of a successful transition to undergraduate study, reflecting their emphasis on academic skill development. In doing so, this presentation will also discuss the impact different Access courses had on students’ perceptions of academic preparedness.

The weight of transition to undergraduate life

Neil Speirs, University of Edinburgh, Scotland; Gabriele Negro, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

In this research and practice focussed session we will look at the particular transitions of working-class students into and through university life. We will illustrate how through the solidarity and collective labour of peer support our students are able to successfully navigate and manage these transitions.

4.5- Presentation (2521)

Progressing Inclusion through Partnerships and Professional Development

Lisa Padden, University College Dublin, Ireland; Kathryn Orr, University College Dublin, Ireland

This presentation will showcase the work done in University College Dublin (UCD) to embed a whole-institution approach to access and inclusion. UCD is pioneering University for All – an institution-wide systemic change initiative to embed access and inclusion throughout the University, ensuring an inclusive educational experience for all students. You'll learn about our Universal Design Professional Development Programmes, our Partnership initiatives and our Pathways to the Professions project extending our work to early career environments.

‘It’s about what it can become!’: Supporting students’ dispositions for success

Mark O'Hara, Advance-HE, England; Silke Preymann, University of Applied Sciences, Upper Austria

This presentation aligns most closely with the conference’s sub-themes of transitions and student success. It focuses on initiatives aimed at developing staff understanding and skills relating to student ‘becoming’ within the EU and in UK settings. It offers examples of initiatives in HE featuring more systematic interventions to improve engagement, success and retention through enhanced professional development opportunities for the staff involved.

4.6- Presentation (1025)

Participation and success of underrepresented Australian students in higher education

Gemma Cadby, Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success, Curtin University, Australia

Australia makes extensive use of data collections to identify and report on underrepresented (‘equity’) students in higher education. This presentation will outline developments in the measurement and reporting of equity student outcomes in Australian higher education, along with insights from the 2024 Australian Universities Accord Review of Higher Education.

Applied Business Skills - how Enable Scotland and Edinburgh Napier University have successfully collaborated to help young neuro-divergent school leavers into further education and employment

Malcolm McGregor, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland; Madeline King, Enable Scotland, Scotland

Over the past two years, Edinburgh Napier university have worked in collaboration with Enable Scotland and EY to provide an opportunity to young people with neurodiversity to learn a range of business skills and then apply them in a real live business organisation. This presentation shares the insights taken from participants on the programme detailing how it built their confidence and helped them to change their minds and so pursue higher education.

4.7- Workshop (3026)

Developing education and guidance resources using the European Life Comp Framework

Kenny Anderson, Scottish Wider Access Programme (SWAPWest), Scotland

The workshop will draw on the experience of developing resources for adults returning to education. Broadening the development of guidance resources from "learning to learn" to consider how to develop "social and personal competences". How effective the European framework life comp has been in supporting the development of effective resources.