Session Types

Session Types

You can submit proposals to present a 20-minute presentation, 60-minute workshop, 5-minute show and tell/lightening talk/provocation or poster/demonstration. Details of these different session types are as follows:

20 Minute Presentation

We welcome proposals for 20-minute presentations which will be followed by 10 minutes of questions and answers. Each presentation will be scheduled by strands relating to the conference themes. Presentations can be:

  • Research focused or evaluated practice papers
  • Results of implemented measure or strategies
  • Practice focused approaches (Case Studies)

Presentation proposals should include a clear discussion of questions being addressed, relevance to conference themes, approach being used and anticipated outcomes or conclusions of research or practice. 

60 Minute Workshop

We welcome proposals for an interactive 60-minute workshop. Workshops provide the opportunity to share knowledge, thoughts, and experiences on the workshop topic. Workshops will be:

  • 60 Minute interactive workshops
  • Delegates work on a common topic aided by one or more workshop leaders
  • Interactive discussions/activities to develop and share knowledge, and consider solutions to problems

Workshop proposals must include a clear discussion outlining the goals of the workshop, issues being discussed, relevance to conference theme and approach and structure of the workshop with clear expected outcomes for participants.

Show and Tell

We welcome proposals for 5 minute show and tell. These sessions will be chaired by a member of the EAN Committee, and 4 presenters will share their 5-minute talks before delegates have 20 minutes to rotate around the stations before a 10-minute plenary discussion. EAN 2024, and the city of Dundee, will be a place of discovery and design for conference delegates and this session type can provide dedicated space for presenters to demonstrate, share and educate delegates to try out your activities, tools and resources as a show and tell. These talks can be:

  • Thought pieces
  • Provocations on access and the themes
  • Initiatives or projects
  • Demonstrations of practice/modules/platforms

These proposals must include discussion of the relevance to the conference themes. 


Presenters will be allocated space for an A1 Poster (portrait orientation) and physical space to engage delegates. We would value proposals that address existing research, practice, evaluation and emerging ideas.

  • A1 format in portrait orientation
  • Poster presentations can address research, evaluation, policy, or practice and may be evidence-based with outcomes.
  • Initiatives or projects presented with results illustrated with visual material